About Go2Mail

Go2Mail simplifies the way you save and read content by stripping away everything unnecessary from web pages and delivering just the essence directly to your email inbox. With Go2Mail, the latest articles, insightful blog posts, and must-read news pieces are neatly formatted and sent to your inbox, allowing you to dive into your reading list whenever you find a moment of peace.
In the spirit of making things as simple as they can be, Go2Mail offers a straightforward, no-frills approach to saving web content. We believe in keeping it simple, providing you with a direct line to the content that matters to you, without the need for additional apps or logins.
Go2Mail stands as a beacon of simplicity in a sea of complex read-it-later tools. While other platforms may offer a plethora of features, they often require you to juggle multiple apps across your devices or to navigate through their web apps. Go2Mail cuts through this complexity by leveraging the one app that's already a staple on all your devices: your email client.
There's no need to download anything new or to worry about syncing issues; your email client does all the heavy lifting.
Moreover, the advanced search and filtering capabilities that email services like Gmail offers are at your disposal with Go2Mail. Organize your saved articles with ease, create dedicated folders or labels, and find what you need, when you need it, with just a few clicks.
In a world where digital services come and go, Go2Mail provides a reliable and enduring solution. Your content is sent directly to your email, removing any concerns about backing up or losing your precious bookmarks.
Curious to learn more? Visit our FAQ page for additional information or contact us directly. We're here to help you simplify your digital reading experience.